Sunday, February 5, 2012


I just miss you. I miss you terribly. It isn't getting easier. I can't stop.

All peace and hope and calm is contained in your smile. That wonderfully simple, honest, beautiful smile as you lay your head upon the pillow overshadows all ills and makes trivial all worries. O how it haunts me now though. It's all I see. Each night, as I lay down for sleep, that smile fills my mind.

Sometimes I laugh and smile back. Sometimes I feel a wave of calm. Sometimes I begin to weep.
Sometimes I become engulfed in the torrent of sorrow that forever lingers at my back. I feel a weight of sadness which is just too great to bear. I break down.

I miss you. I want to be with you. It is sometimes unutterably tempting to write my final chapter with your beautiful image adorning my final breath of life. I can think of no sweeter end than to have eyes and mind entirely fixed upon such a wonderful sight.

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